



my name is

Lily Morgan

Hi! I'm excited to share tips and ideas to help simplify your parenting!

Parents have enough guilt.  This site is not about making you feel guilty or worry that you have done things “wrong”.  Wrong and right are for math, not parenting! It’s an opportunity to learn new more effective ways to parent. And to celebrate the things you are doing that work for you and your kids!

I’m a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), with a private practice. I have worked with families in their homes to help them learn better ways to handle behavior and discipline. I have also worked with children in an office and school setting.

But more importantly, I have raised three children. 

Parenting has been a journey for me. I realized when I had my own children that I had no idea what to do! I knew I wanted to be a "hands on" parent. But as I gave my kids 100% of my time and attention, I realized that didn’t work. In fact, it was a disaster! I went on a journey to figure out this parenting thing! I read books but they would offer general advice, like “be consistent”. Frustrated, I would ask, what does that really mean?  I started observing parents. I began to realize that being consistent means more than just saying no to a cookie before dinner. I went to parenting classes and read tons of parenting books, magazines and articles. I went to the library every week in search of answers. Haha, I know it’s hard to believe I did this, but I was parenting small children before the Internet. You parents are so lucky to have instant access to information. But this flood of information can also be overwhelming and discouraging, as there seems to be a lot of conflicting advice.

I knew I wanted to share the information that I needed as a young mother. 

I have come to understand that parenting is a skill that can be taught and learned. I want to share tips and ideas to help you become a more effective parent. Please don’t feel guilty or stressed if what you are doing is not working. Parenting is a journey you take with your child and you learn as you go. No child has an owner’s manual. The good news is there are things you can do to make this journey a little smoother and more enjoyable.