Self-care matters
Being a parent is hard work! It calls on you to meet the physical and emotional needs of your kids, while running a household (meals, dishes, laundry, etc…), managing finances, chauffeuring kids and teaching life skills and values.
Phew! No wonder we are tired!
Filling your cup
- On an airplane the flight attendant always says, “If the cabin loses pressure, put the oxygen mask on yourself, BEFORE putting it on your kids.”
- Is this because parents are selfish? NO! It’s because you can’t help your child if you are passed out.
- If you don’t fill your cup, you won’t have anything to pour into your child’s cup. It’s important to feel centered, so you can be present for your kiddos.
- Start pouring some time into your own life so you don't start feeling resentful or burned out.
What is self-care?
- Self-care is an important step in becoming a better parent.
- It is taking care of your physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.
- It is planning something everyday to help you feel energized.
- It is allowing yourself to make mistakes.
- It is being aware of your emotions.
- It’s asking for and accepting help when you need it.
- It is planning activities with friends and not feeling guilty that you have left your kids for a few hours.
- It is not neglecting your children. It is taking a needed break.
- It is spending a few minutes a day caring for yourself and scheduling fun activities for you to look forward to.
A few self-care ideas
- Write 3 gratitudes a day.
- Write in your journal. Promptly journals makes it really quick and easy to document your child's life!
- Listen to music that motivates and inspires you.
- ·Exercise: Walk, do yoga, exercise to a DVD, etc..
- Read a novel
- Have a lunch/dinner date with friends
- Eat healthy
- Build a support system. Create relationships with neighbors, church members, extended family, other parents and join a group that does something you are passionate about.
- Take a nap
- Get up a few minutes earlier so you can brush your hair and get dressed. It’s amazing how much better you will feel if you aren’t in your pj’s all day.
- Take time away from social media, phone and emails.
- Have a long bubble bath or shower.
- Call a friend.
- Say no when you feel overwhelmed
- Daily mediation and/or prayer. (Head space is a great app)
- Sit in the sun and enjoy nature while your kiddos nap.